Results for 'Mauricio Federico Zalazar-Jaime'

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  1. Argentinian Validation of Consideration of Future Consequences Scale.Ignacio Acuña, Mauricio Federico Zalazar-Jaime, Yanina Michelini, Juan Ignacio Guzmán, Juan Carlos Godoy, Ezequiel Galarce & Jeffrey Joireman - 2020 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 23 (1):346-356.
    The extent to which people anticipate and are influenced by the potential future consequences of their current behavior is called Consideration of Future Consequences. A well-established tool to measure this construct is the 14-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale. The CFC-14 has shown appropriate psychometric properties in several languages. This scale comprises two factors: the CFC-Immediate and the CFC-Future. The main goal of this study was to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the CFC-14 Scale in Spanish, using (...)
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    Contribution of Academic Satisfaction Judgments to Subjective Well-Being.Mauricio F. Zalazar-Jaime, Luciana S. Moretti & Leonardo A. Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The role of academic satisfaction on persistence and successful academic behavior has been the focus of research for decades. Nevertheless, driven by positive educational psychology, subjective well-being has been highlighted as another central feature in the academic path of students. Studies aimed at identifying the variables that contribute to explain different aspects of academic performance have been widely investigated, although studies aimed at identifying the determinants of subjective well-being are still limited. The present paper examined the contribution of AS judgments (...)
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    An applied ontology-Oriented Case Study to Distinguish Public and Private Institutions Through Their Documents.Mauricio B. Almeida & Jaime A. Pinto - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 47 (7):582-591.
    The institutions we create shape many of the activities we engage insofar as they are pervasive entities in our society. In an era full of new technologies, including the semantic web, there is a movement toward sound conceptual modeling for socio-technical solutions applied to government institutions. To develop these complex solutions, one needs to deepen the ontological status of entities in the institutional domain, because literature is full of ambiguous and ad-hoc hypotheses about distinctions between public and private corporations. We (...)
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    Corrigendum: Biological Stress Reactivity and Introspective Sensitivity: An Exploratory Study.Mauricio Barrientos, Leonel Tapia, Jaime R. Silva & Gabriel Reyes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Biological Stress Reactivity and Introspective Sensitivity: An Exploratory Study.Mauricio Barrientos, Leonel Tapia, Jaime R. Silva & Gabriel Reyes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Predicados evaluativos y contexto.Federico Javier Jaimes - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (1):157-171.
    En su más reciente libro, Cuestiones de Filosofía del Lenguaje: Pragmática, David Pérez Chico (2022) nos presenta una muy interesante selección de artículos sobre diferentes temáticas actualmente trabajadas en filosofía del lenguaje. Personalmente, considero que este libro es una lectura imprescindible para cualquier lector de habla hispana que quiera introducirse en las temáticas más contemporáneamente discutidas en esa disciplina. En este marco, en el presente artículo me propongo realizar un análisis crítico de cuatro de los artículos de la compilación que (...)
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    Discurso influenciado: aprendizaje automático y discurso de odio.Federico Javier Jaimes - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 90:45-61.
    Este trabajo tematiza la cuestión de los programas informáticos que discriminan, desde la filosofía del lenguaje. En esta disciplina, la bibliografía sobre discurso de odio ha centrado su análisis en los efectos que este produce en los grupos oprimidos. La idea central del presente trabajo será presentar una nueva noción, el discurso influenciado, que permita explicar lo que el grupo opresor es llevado a afirmar en base a la opresión sistemática. Así, el discurso influenciado permitirá tanto explicar la reproducción social (...)
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    Effect of Acute Physical Exercise on Executive Functions and Emotional Recognition: Analysis of Moderate to High Intensity in Young Adults.Haney Aguirre-Loaiza, Jaime Arenas, Ianelleen Arias, Alejandra Franco-Jímenez, Sergio Barbosa-Granados, Santiago Ramos-Bermúdez, Federico Ayala-Zuluaga, César Núñez & Alexandre García-Mas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Political ideologies and their social psychological functions.John T. Jost, Christopher M. Federico & Jaime L. Napier - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears, The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 232--250.
  10.  22
    Un amor, una muerte: una lectura de “Nocturno del hueco” de Federico García Lorca.Jaime Velasco Estrada - 2023 - Valenciana 31:189-213.
    En este trabajo se estudia “Nocturno del hueco” (Poeta en Nueva York, 1929) de Federico García Lorca, a partir de un acercamiento al modo en que se construye el ‘hueco’ en la voz poética. Se intenta explicar cómo y por qué García Lorca usa imágenes relacionadas con el mundo natural (plantas, animales y los cuatro elementos). Primero, se observa cómo usa los sentidos el poeta: existe una estrecha relación entre los sentidos y la manera en que aparecen los elementos (...)
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  11. Indice Del volumen XXXVII.Octavio N. Derisi, Carlos I. Massini, William R. Daros, Alberto Caturelli, Juan Cruz Cruz, Alfonso Garcia Marques, Mauricio Beuchot-Jose, Jaime Guerrero, Juan A. Casaubon & Julio R. Mendez - 1982 - Sapientia 143:319.
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  12. El pensamiento analógico en el lenguaje jurídico.Jaime Nubiola - 2017 - Anthropos. Cuadernos de Cultura Crítica y Conocimiento, 249:59-74.
    La propuesta metodológica de la «Analytical Jurisprudence» o escuela analítica del Derecho encabezada por H. L. A. Hart (1907-1992) abrió un nuevo espacio de reflexión en el ámbito jurídico anglosajón al emplear el análisis del significado de las palabras como medio para dilucidar la estructura del pensamiento jurídico. Hart, miembro del grupo de Oxford, aplicó una nueva sensibilidad por las distinciones lógicas y lingüísticas a la filosofía del derecho (PANNAM, 2008) y aportó a la discusión de los teóricos del derecho (...)
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  13. Federico García Lorca: la voz que no calla -a los 70 años de su asesinato-.J. Mauricio Chaves Bustos - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12:69-76.
    El ensayo pretende mostrar como la obra de García Lorca traspasa la barrera de lo puramente estético, para prefigurarse como un emblema de los problemas sociales que aquejaban a la España de su época, es decir lo social llevado al plano estético de una manera singular; así, el poeta granadino logra trascender a la muerte, tema recurrente en toda su obra, forjando un estilo y modelo de vida que se convertirán en paradigmas dentro del escenario literario hispanoamericano.
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    Analogía, Ciencias Sociales y Religión.Eduardo Federico Gutierrez Gonzalez & S. J. Luis Fernando Munera Congote - 2017 - Philosophia 2 (77):67-93.
    In this text, we ask if analogy can enable a dialogue between religion and the social sciences. To do so, we focus in the conflict between the biblical understanding of man as a created being and the notion of human nature as a social construct. Although there seems to be a fundamental dispute in social constructivism between nature and freedom (Ian Hacking), we consider analogical reasoning (Mauricio Beuchot) enables anthropological views, like Philip Hefner’s, that include central aspects of the (...)
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    Las “vueltas” de la vanguardia en la historieta rioplatense: entre la adaptación y la meta-ficción.Lucas Rafael Berone - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 26:433-439.
    OYOLA, Leandro; AGUIRRE, Max; REGGIANI, Federico; ZALAZAR, Fabián; y MOSQUITO, Ángel. Kryptonita. La historieta. Buenos Aires, Reservoir Books, 2019.] [AGRIMBAU, Diego; DELPECHE, Patricio; IPPÓLITI, Gabriel; GINEVRA, Dante; PIETRO; y FERNÁNDEZ, Gato. ¿Quién mató a Rexton? Buenos Aires, Hotel de las Ideas, 2018.
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  16. Jaime Balmes (antología).Jaime Luciano Balmes - 1942 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Corts Grau, José & [From Old Catalog].
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  17. Scientific representation: Against similarity and isomorphism.Mauricio Suárez - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):225-244.
    I argue against theories that attempt to reduce scientific representation to similarity or isomorphism. These reductive theories aim to radically naturalize the notion of representation, since they treat scientist's purposes and intentions as non-essential to representation. I distinguish between the means and the constituents of representation, and I argue that similarity and isomorphism are common but not universal means of representation. I then present four other arguments to show that similarity and isomorphism are not the constituents of scientific representation. I (...)
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  18. An inferential conception of scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):767-779.
    This paper defends an inferential conception of scientific representation. It approaches the notion of representation in a deflationary spirit, and minimally characterizes the concept as it appears in science by means of two necessary conditions: its essential directionality and its capacity to allow surrogate reasoning and inference. The conception is defended by showing that it successfully meets the objections that make its competitors, such as isomorphism and similarity, untenable. In addition the inferential conception captures the objectivity of the cognitive representations (...)
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  19. Science without Laws.Mauricio Suárez - 2002 - Mind 111 (441):111-114.
    1Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, 9 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, UKScience Without Laws Ronald Giere Chicago, IL University of Chicago Press 1999 x + 285 Hardback£17.50.
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  20. (1 other version)Scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):91-101.
    Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while historians and philosophers of science aim to develop an account of the practice of model building in the sciences. This article provides a review of recent work within both traditions, and ultimately argues for a practice-based account of the means employed by scientists to effectively achieve representation (...)
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    Souslin forcing.Jaime I. Ihoda & Saharon Shelah - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1188-1207.
    We define the notion of Souslin forcing, and we prove that some properties are preserved under iteration. We define a weaker form of Martin's axiom, namely MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ), and using the results on Souslin forcing we show that MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ) is consistent with the existence of a Souslin tree and with the splitting number s = ℵ 1 . We prove that MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ) proves the additivity of measure. Also we introduce (...)
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  22. E-mail: Federico. Laudisa@ unimib. It.Federico Laudisa - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield, Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 223.
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    Informative Models: Idealization and Abstraction.Mauricio Suárez & Agnes Bolinska - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond, Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-85.
    Mauricio Suárez and Agnes Bolinska apply the tools of communication theory to scientific modeling in order to characterize the informational content of a scientific model. They argue that when represented as a communication channel, a model source conveys information about its target, and that such representations are therefore appropriate whenever modeling is employed for informational gain. They then extract two consequences. First, the introduction of idealizations is akin in informational terms to the introduction of noise in a signal; for (...)
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  24. Theories: Tools versus models.Mauricio Suárez & Nancy Cartwright - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):62-81.
    In “The Toolbox of Science” (1995) together with Towfic Shomar we advocated a form of instrumentalism about scientific theories. We separately developed this view further in a number of subsequent works. Steven French, James Ladyman, Otavio Bueno and Newton Da Costa (FLBD) have since written at least eight papers and a book criticising our work. Here we defend ourselves. First we explain what we mean in denying that models derive from theory – and why their failure to do so should (...)
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  25. Quantum propensities.Mauricio Suárez - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):418-438.
    This paper reviews four attempts throughout the history of quantum mechanics to explicitly employ dispositional notions in order to solve the quantum paradoxes, namely: Margenau's latencies, Heisenberg's potentialities, Maxwell's propensitons, and the recent selective propensities interpretation of quantum mechanics. Difficulties and challenges are raised for all of them, and it is concluded that the selective propensities approach nicely encompasses the virtues of its predecessors. Finally, some strategies are discussed for reading similar dispositional notions into two other well-known interpretations of quantum (...)
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  26. Scientific fictions as rules of inference.Mauricio Suárez - 2008 - In Mauricio Suárez, Fictions in Science: Philosophical Essays on Modeling and Idealization. New York: Routledge. pp. 158--178.
  27. Bohmian dispositions.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3203-3228.
    This paper argues for a broadly dispositionalist approach to the ontology of Bohmian mechanics . It first distinguishes the ‘minimal’ and the ‘causal’ versions of Bohm’s theory, and then briefly reviews some of the claims advanced on behalf of the ‘causal’ version by its proponents. A number of ontological or interpretive accounts of the wave function in BM are then addressed in detail, including configuration space, multi-field, nomological, and dispositional approaches. The main objection to each account is reviewed, namely the (...)
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    Theories, models, and representations.Mauricio Suárez - 1999 - In L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard, Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery. Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 75--83.
    I argue against an account of scientific representation suggested by the semantic, or structuralist, conception of scientific theories. Proponents of this conception often employ the term “model” to refer to bare “structures”, which naturally leads them to attempt to characterize the relation between models and reality as a purely structural one. I argue instead that scientific models are typically “representations”, in the pragmatist sense of the term: they are inherently intended for specific phenomena. Therefore in general scientific models are not (...)
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    Knowledge From Non-Knowledge: Inference, Testimony and Memory.Federico Luzzi - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    According to the received view in epistemology, inferential knowledge from non-knowledge is impossible – that is, in order for a subject to know the conclusion of their inference, they must know the essential premises from which that conclusion is drawn. In this book, Federico Luzzi critically examines this view, arguing that it is less plausible than intuition suggests and that it can be abandoned without substantial cost. In a discussion that ranges across inference, testimony and memory he analyses the (...)
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    Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling.Mauricio Suárez - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element has two main aims. The first one is an historically informed review of the philosophy of probability. It describes recent historiography, lays out the distinction between subjective and objective notions, and concludes by applying the historical lessons to the main interpretations of probability. The second aim focuses entirely on objective probability, and advances a number of novel theses regarding its role in scientific practice. A distinction is drawn between traditional attempts to interpret chance, and a novel methodological study (...)
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    Reconceiving Epistemic Agency for Educational Inclusion.Jaime Ahlberg - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (1):42-46.
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    Onomastics and river-gods in sicily.Jaime Β Curbera - 1998 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 142 (1):52-60.
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  33. Naturaleza de la música y de la creación musical.Jaime Pahissa - 1956 - Santa Fe, Argentina: Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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  34. Naturaleza de la música y de la creación musical.Jaime Pahissa - 1938 - [Santa Fe, Argentina]: Universidad nacional del litoral.
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  35. Libertad y potencia en Spinoza.Jaime Rubio - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 32.
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  36. Léxico monástico en las cartas de San Agustín.Jaime Sepulcre - 1993 - Revista Agustiniana 34 (105):799-829.
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  37. Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):219-255.
    This paper expands on, and provides a qualified defence of, Arthur Fine's selective interactions solution to the measurement problem. Fine's approach must be understood against the background of the insolubility proof of the quantum measurement. I first defend the proof as an appropriate formal representation of the quantum measurement problem. The nature of selective interactions, and more generally selections, is then clarified, and three arguments in their favour are offered. First, selections provide the only known solution to the measurement problem (...)
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  38. The Representational Semantic Conception.Mauricio Suárez & Francesca Pero - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (2):344-365.
    This paper argues for a representational semantic conception of scientific theories, which respects the bare claim of any semantic view, namely that theories can be characterised as sets of models. RSC must be sharply distinguished from structural versions that assume a further identity of ‘models’ and ‘structures’, which we reject. The practice-turn in the recent philosophical literature suggests instead that modelling must be understood in a deflationary spirit, in terms of the diverse representational practices in the sciences. These insights are (...)
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  39. Propensities and Pragmatism.Mauricio Suárez - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (2):61-92.
    : This paper outlines a genuinely pragmatist conception of propensity, and defends it against common objections to the propensity interpretation of probability, prominently Humphreys’ paradox. The paper reviews the paradox and identifies one of its key assumptions, the identity thesis, according to which propensities are probabilities. The identity thesis is also involved in empiricist propensity interpretations deriving from Popper’s influential original proposal, and makes such interpretations untenable. As an alternative, I urge a return to Charles Peirce’s original insights on probabilistic (...)
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    Consumer Neuroscience-Based Metrics Predict Recall, Liking and Viewing Rates in Online Advertising.Jaime Guixeres, Enrique Bigné, Jose M. Ausín Azofra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Adrián Colomer Granero, Félix Fuentes Hurtado & Valery Naranjo Ornedo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    POLITICS: Automated Ideological Reasoning.Jaime G. Carbonell - 1978 - Cognitive Science 2 (1):27-51.
    POLITICS is a system of computer programs which simulates humans in comprehending and responding to world events from a given political or ideological perspective. The primary theoretical motivations were: (1) the implemention of a functional system which applies the knowledge structures of Schank and Abelson (1977) to the domain of simulating political belief systems; (2) the development of a tentative theory of intentional goal conflicts and counterplanning. Secondary goals of the POLITICS project include developing a representation for belief systems, investigating (...)
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  42. Walker Percy and Charles S. Peirce: Abduction and Language.Jaime Nubiola - 1998 - Homepage des Arbeitskreises für Abduktionsforschung.
    The American novelist Walker Percy (1916-90) considered himself a "thief of Peirce", because he found in the views of C.S. Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, an alternative approach to prevailing reductionist theories in order to understand what we human beings are and what the peculiar nature of our linguistic activity is. -/- This paper describes, quoting widely from Percy, how abduction is the spontaneous activity of our reason by which we couple meanings and experience in our linguistic expressions. This coupling (...)
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  43. Abduction or the Logic of Surprise.Jaime Nubiola - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):117-130.
    Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) made relevant contributions to deductive logic, but he was primarily interested in the logic of science, and more especially in what he called 'abduction' (as opposed to deduction and induction), which is the process whereby hypotheses are generated in order to explain the surprising facts. Indeed, Peirce considered abduction to be at the heart not only of scientific research, but of all ordinary human activities. Nevertheless, in spite of Peirce's work and writings in the field of (...)
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    The role of models in the application of scientific theories: epistemological implications.Mauricio Suárez - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison, Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press.
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    The role of contingency in classical conditioning.Mauricio R. Papini & M. E. Bitterman - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):396-403.
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    No Easy Answers in Allocating Unapproved COVID-19 Drugs Outside Clinical Trials.Jaime Webb, Lesha Shah & Holly Fernandez Lynch - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):W1-W4.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page W1-W4.
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  47. Fictions, inference and realism.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - In John Woods, Fictions and Models: New Essays. Philosophia.
    Abstract: It is often assumed without argument that fictionalism in the philosophy of science contradicts scientific realism. This paper is a critical analysis of this assumption. The kind of fictionalism that is at present discussed in philosophy of science is characterised, and distinguished from fictionalism in other areas. A distinction is then drawn between forms of fictional representation, and two competing accounts of fiction in science are discussed. I then outline explicitly what I take to be the argument for the (...)
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  48. Superación de la metafísica de Martin Heidegger / traducción de Jaime Sologuren.Martin Heidegger & Jaime Sologuren - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía.
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  49. The Chances of Propensities.Mauricio Suárez - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (4):1155-1177.
    This paper argues that if propensities are displayed in objective physical chances then the appropriate representation of these chances is as indexed probability functions. Two alternative formal models, or accounts, for the relation between propensity properties and their chancy or probabilistic manifestations, in terms of conditionals and conditional probability are first reviewed. It is argued that both confront important objections, which are overcome by the account in terms of indexed probabilities. A number of further advantages of the indexed probability account (...)
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  50. On quantum propensities: Two arguments revisited.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):1-16.
    Peter Milne and Neal Grossman have argued against Popper's propensity interpretation of quantum mechanics, by appeal to the two-slit experiment and to the distinction between mixtures and superpositions, respectively. In this paper I show that a different propensity interpretation successfully meets their objections. According to this interpretation, the possession of a quantum propensity by a quantum system is independent of the experimental set-ups designed to test it, even though its manifestations are not.
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